I’ll admit I got one for my sister. But she’s 8, and more concerned with acting out her mermaid transformation fantasy than actually staying warm.
I’ll admit I got one for my sister. But she’s 8, and more concerned with acting out her mermaid transformation fantasy than actually staying warm.
She’s young for a presidential candidate, she has amazing work ethic, she has stamina, she defers to specialists, she is pro-civil rights and the environment — I mean, why the fuck not. Without exaggeration she is galaxies better than what we’re looking at.
Madonna was interviewed before the show and was asked if she would consider running for president one day. She replied, “Maybe”. When asked what would be the first thing she’d do as president she replied that she would pay school teachers a whole lot more.
There are, historically, quite a lot of black Nova Scotians (for the population size, it’s a pretty small province), dating back to the 17th century.
Thank you for including the Heritage Minute. It’s one of the best things our country does to remind our people how important our history is and how far we have come as a nation.
I’m a big fan of John A. McDonald and I will miss him on the ten dollar bill, if only because he was from my hometown of Kingston, Ontario.…
She was also a very successful businesswoman selling beauty products and beautician training specifically for black women.
Lol this one is fantastic! It’s so seamless I originally thought it was unrelated.
It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.
Old TV’s used to have that smell, which I assume is what she is talking about? Fellow Olds will remember when you turned it on and got the “bwonnggg” sound and the static? It had sort of a metal smell.
There are two answers for the 6 month old:
My (admittedly odd) family did Dollar Store Christmas one year and it was very popular. Everyone got everyone a gift—but it had to come from the dollar store. You could get something not at a dollar store but it had to cost at most, a dollar. There were about 10 of us, so that got us all done for $10. It was one…
How old is he?
I am feeling maudlin today so I will sad story it...
I am SO glad that baby was ok but goddamn I’d throw every ticket in the book at those parents. PROPERLY RESTRAIN YOUR CHILDREN!!! (And remember no puffy winter coats in the car seat! Use them like a blanket over the child once they’re already strapped in!)
It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to…
“I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”
Hmm, I never saw “sun-kissed ass plug” before. Not bad!
Im fairly flat chested. Since obviously I can’t be a ten, it seems like something he would hate to see. Me wearing his face on my 4 at best chest.