
Update: $0.99 via the Android Market

Donating to a women's shelter is the best idea but keeping an emergency phone as described is almost equal as long as you remember to keep it charged as others have said. However an equally good use for an unused smartphone is this app for $1.49. It converts your cellphone to a wireless video camera viewable through a

Replying to promote. The recharging period is a good idea.

Yeah! I guess so :)

I did look into noise canceling head phones some months back and I wasn't impressed. Apparently they only filter lower frequency sounds - I think that may be a physical limitation of the size of them - and in a gym playing music they're just not going to work. The salesman, who seemed quite knowledgeable said they

I think a lack of endorsement by the band of rascals and vagabonds known as w3schools is absolutely a positive thing.

IE out of the box isn't the most secure. It has a lot of powerful options which are off or not used by default. If you take time out to configure the options, especially the whitelists you have a mighty secure product.

Oh Moon, you're my IE hero - I'm going to call you Moonie from now on :)

Yeah, at least using Chrome sends all your private data to Google automatically without you even having to know about it.

They're actually smart enough not to need it because they plan ahead and go In Private when necessary. You just made a mistaken observation based on a widely held but false misconception that anyone who isn't you is dumb.

I'm 100% with you all the way but honestly that darn 'incongnito' typo of Adam's that you so obligingly repeat each time you post is giving me a hard time.

Oh, you can type that into your already open browser address bar then? Silly me, I thought you needed to open a separate application to do that. And the character count...! d o g is three characters in your already open browser, your solution means opening another app and typing 24 characters. Are you nerdy or

Actually if you're a web designer and think that IE9 sucks then it's you that sucks. You can't complain that IE isn't standards compliant then complain when it does become compliant and won't tolerate all your old crap you're too lazy to update.

You don't need to do anything special in IE9; see the little 'x' to the right when you highlight it?

1. Go to Google

Have you tried using the Hotmail calendar either from the Hotmail webpage or through Windows Live Mail?

I got to capitulate here. I was talking about the Office suite ribbon as Alan invited us to do. I have hardly used W8 since it was finalized and I just checked and the only customization to be done is with the Quick Access bar. This is in keeping with the non-Office ribbon apps such as Windows Live

Replying to promote.

Replyiig to promote.

Mounting under the table as others have suggested would indeed be better and gives you the ability to easily remove the gutter for cleaning.