Yeah you're right! the hell with being good :)
Yeah you're right! the hell with being good :)
how about buying the new iPad and giving the old one to some under privileged human being in your community? if you are in any way active in your community we all know someone. do it and you will feel immeasurably better about yourself and your girlfriend will give you that 'special treat'.
Isn't also a good idea to waterproof your matches and striker by sealing those inside a straw too? Just a guess, I'm not into countryside pursuits.
But Adam... you forgot to mention you can do this in Internet Explorer 9 by clicking the little red X that appears at the side of the offending item in the drop-down.
The ribbon is entirely customizable. You can create your own tab and put just the items you want there so you don't need to go looking for your desired command. And that beats menus every time.
In NYC people leave their phones all over the place. I went to one of the restrooms in Macy's and found an iphone on the tank in the stall; as I went to wash my hands there was one on the shelf above the sink. I picked a phone up on an ATM once. If the phone was locked or otherwise secured I used to think the best…
Gpu memory is shared, that's all you need.
It's a pity that while no one can ever remember their own secure password, the one secure password no one has trouble with is correct horse battery staple... the world's most well known secure password.
The virtual machine is just another program - it's nothing special, it's a simulation of a machine within a machine. If you're running a Windows version in a Windows host then the virus in the VM can infect the host if it knows to look. Windows running a Linux VM could in theory but it's unlikely anyone will write…
If you're really serious about allowing through your favorite sites can't you go through the adblock lists, search for your approved sites, and delete them from the list. I use an adblock list in IE9 Tracking Protection and one obscure site in the list was preventing a news page I visit pretty frequently from…
Running anything in a virtual machine is no guarantee it won't jump ship to your base OS.
Then make it a little check box like the post is about to enable one party or the other then you can choose who you stick it to according to your principles.
"The first OS that figures out how to do efficient and elegant file management without the user having to think too much will be a big winner."
I get what you say about adwords so let's leave them out of the scheme. But... it's not fair to the page owners right now - you read their content but don't 'pay' by displaying ads (with adblock enabled). In the scheme of things who would you rather be stuck in an elevator with - an advertiser or a web-page content…
What would be really nice is if Adblock sent a page view/clickthru (whatever the terminology is) every time it blocked an ad. Everyone wins. We don't get to see ads, the advertiser gets his clicks/views, and the site owner gets paid and makes more sites.
You missed out one option, several secure places.