
The main reason it's bad to have all your data in one place is pretty much the same reason you don't store all your passwords in one place... Third parties. Either hackers breaking into Google (hackers' privacy policies are a bit of an unknown item), Google being bought out by a different company with different

Not bad for $1.49, I know some people who could use this. Thanks.

In all seriousness, and without pushing my own viewpoint people tend to fall squarely into one of two camps over this, seemingly with no possibility of conversion from either side. There are those who don't see any risks from exposing all their online movements to a third party out to make money from that knowledge;

Just testing something

The Google log out idea is really smart thinking. You can also put the shortcut in all the usual places such as the desktop, task bar (with a hack) or the Quick launch toolbar if you enabled it, and including the IE or Chrome jump lists if you have those apps pinned to the task bar. The advantage with external

Seems a good way to repurpose a smart phone would be to use it as a wireless camera for use around the house (baby monitors, spy in the guests' bedroom, etc.) yet software to do this is few and far between.

Have you tried comparing non-profit health insurance plans?

"And you get only me to use to catch up on huh? :P"

Spoken like a true freeloader :)


Metafact=information about information.

It's actually available till 8pm EST Sunday according to the countdown clock on their website which right now is telling me 1 day 4 hours and 16 minutes - 28 hours and change. It's 2:45 here in NYC, the heartland of EST so ordinarily that would take me till 7pm Sunday however we move our clocks forward tonight (unless

I know it's too late for you to change now but wouldn't it have made more sense to name your movies "[Year] Movie title" for sorting purposes? you basically did that for your other nedia categories... latge granularity to small granularity.

Try Bulk Rename Utility which will rename files for you based on the exif date. Don't be put off by the interface.

Couldn't someone find a better name for the app? Try saying it out loud.

I'm not a Linux person but I know someone who worked on the Silverlight project who also had input into this - []

Unfortunately, because of recent events, Google is getting a lot of stick. They're not the only ones who should be looked at. The whole web is severely invading our privacy, whether it's your phone or your computer. It started off as a way to target ads, which I am 99% sure that's all Google want to do. However, the

Yes you are correct, I do work for Microsoft. I didn't mention it in this post because working at Microsoft is not really anything to do with holding on to the past.

No one will ever move forward if we cling on to the past. Windows has always been criticized for dragging legacy compatibility along with each new version; now there is a way out from dragging Marley's chains everyone wants to bring their outmoded ways of working with them.