Interesting patter you have with the ladies there Whitson :)
Interesting patter you have with the ladies there Whitson :)
An expert's informed view on this would be helpful before we go round lynching websites.
BUMP - Ow!
I'd love to see zeitgeist for this month
Whenever you sign in to any Google account from 3/1 you will be giving them permission to track you, circumvent any cookie settings you may set in your browser, irrespective of your incognito status. That's the good thing about providing the Chrome browser - it's all in-house and once you consent there's no stopping…
This gives a general view
I deny everything, it's not true.
Prepared to be shot down on this as web development isn't my specialty but sites using HTML5 can store more stuff than cookies on your computer. It's not executable code though and is stored in a database format. I think third party sites have access to it as well as the site which originally wrote the data.
With reference to extensions for IE - the browser I'm most familiar with, you don't need any extensions. IE9 has all you need built in, it's just turned off. Download some tracking protection lists such as adblock or the one produced by Do Not Track and get them in your browser. Blacklist all first party cookies and…
Whichever DNS provider you use they are going to know what sites you visit. You have to make the choice yourself, no one can tell you what to think. As to how to do it. If you don't know how to do it already you are most probably using the settings from your ISP which I guess is the least worst and probably slowest…
I probably agree with most of what you wrote but you tended to spoil it towards the end there. Google are pretty ubiquitous and are therefore becoming synonymous with all the privacy violations, plus recent events aren't helping and that's why their name keeps coming up. Take a look at your adblock list and there are…
If you set Google's DNS as your default then they know every site you go to. They need to know as that is the function of the DNS, to get you to the site you requested. Combined with the Chrome virus, sorry I meant browser they have you in their pocket especially if you have a gmail address and Google plus.
You can't educate pork.
But then you still need to know what you're looking for. Minified javascript? I've got better things to do.
Anyone who has read my comments or tips will know I'm constantly going on about installing the minimum of software on your machine and doing everything with native capabilities of your OS wherever possible. Because of the browser wars I generally don't refer to this when talking about browsers. I use IE9 by choice but…
For those who still aren't getting it, first I respect your judgment, please respect mine. If you don't care about your privacy then it's ok, really; just allow those who do care to talk about it too. And in the meanwhile your privacy being violated is making my internet still free so I'm grateful, really.
It's not about ads. it's about using methods originally developed to identify a user as they browsed the web in order to target relevant ads being used in a more extensive and clandestine way to do stuff which you would never agree to if you were asked.
Just checking you went to browsing history/settings/view files. this should open an explorer window showing things likeedownloaded images, cookies, and tpls.
I didn't bring up what you just proposed about fragmenting because I think Whitson did a post on it about a month ago.
Control Panel/Internet Options