Me first. change your DNS settings away from Google to OpenDNS otherwise no matter how much privacy you employ you are still driving by Google to let them know where you're going.
Me first. change your DNS settings away from Google to OpenDNS otherwise no matter how much privacy you employ you are still driving by Google to let them know where you're going.
I'm probably 100% in agreement with you with the extra comment that forewarned is forearmed. Now we are aware of what might be happening we can take steps to prevent, or minimize things to a level we are comfortable with so people who don't really care about this kind of thing can go ahead as they wish whereas the…
This app blocked 11 items from the LH front page, as others confirm below. Tracking Protection in IE9 blocked 31.
I have to promote this guy - no one ever agrees with me on data harvesting, and besides whatever he's smoking I want some!
Nah, there are methods, at least for IE which has it built in and I'm sure an extension can be written for FF, which convert first party cookies automatically to session cookies which disappear when the browser is closed. This would actually be a nightmare for G+ and FB :)
Tracking lists and cookie whitelisting are the way to go. However you need to be aware of the following [] before using TPLs. Basically TPLs can be used to allow sites as well as block them. The link above saves me a bunch of typing. Albine is a good choice but due to the TPLs being updated frequently…
Doesn't matter who invented it, it is a legally binding standard leaving transgressors open to being sued, as someone is indeed doing right now to Google over it.
Yeah, I just looked and the last part of the link is naked!! The %20Gate bit. They must have a new delivery of interns at Gawker Hungary.
The chick is hot!
Not free, they all (well most) cost you your data.
Disappear is not a transitive verb; used as such lowers my expectation of any sort of veracity in what you write.
W8 will run on Bootcamp the same as W7. We sell software, it isn't in our interests to put a fence around a market sector.
A related topic for users of IE. The tracking protection lists plus whitelisting cookies works at least equivalent to this add-on and probably better in the long run. I'm not decrying the add-on, it's good but it does slow browsing down a little with longer page loads in Chrome and IE.
OK Cool, I'd often wondered every time I drooled over the swish Mac machines in the Apple store. I don't mind saying that they are much better than Windows machines. The bird reference is for your misspelling of the word cheap in the second paragraph just before the ultrabook link.
Your keyboard's a bird?? Cheep, cheep!
I've uninstalled it. For IE if you have a good selection of TPLs and override default cookie handling with white lists you are equally protected.
Also a lot of the tracking (fb like, g+) is nothing to do with ads and just pure and simple malicious tracking little better than loading a trojan on your computer. I can't see why people are okay with tracking but rise up against phishing; both exploits are doing things to and with our computer we don't know about…
It does seem to slow up browsing a little - I installed it on Chrome and IE. It's a little difficult to get a screenshot of the results but it does block more than TP does. This may be just down to the fact that the extra sites it is blocking aren't in my TPLs. I need to find a way to convert the DNT blocked sites…
I was wondering that too and I'm just going to install it to check. In the meanwhile this is what gets blocked by using tracking protection only on a refresh of the main LH front page.