
1. Anonymous or some other setup break in to whoever holds your datae

There's nothing tinfoil about wanting to choose whether I share my personal data or not. This analogy is a little over-used, tired, and usually more than a little inaccurately applied. If I share my personal data I may as well share my pin number.

Formatting... no idea, I typed my reply on my phone. It's worth pointing out before someone else does that the p3p protocol was initially a microsoft proposal which was subsequently adopted by the w3c and any other companies with an interest working in the industry.

I can't say I'm an expert on the P3P myself, it is a legally binding protocol and Google have maybe left themselves open to be sued by some entity. It is complex because of its legal standing and it was not written for ordinary mortals like you and me to understand although once it is explained it is understandable...

There is a similar but not identical feature, a bookmark which works on all browsers.

So... IE fangirl here, but I'm not pushing that aspect. Google's defense to the Safari browser exploit was that users weren't given the opportunity by Safari to say whether they wanted third party tracking cookies on their computer or not because Safari disables them by choice. Google's logic being that some of us

For the evolutionary challenged we should recommend making the safe from those cans of butane lighter fluid.

The judge is a she not a he.

Yes you are entirely right. I was more trying to get into the possibilities of exposing greater and greater amounts of your data. Lets say an extreme government gets in and rides roughshod over retroactive laws or even a foreign government hacks into Google and steals your cogophilia data or Anonymous publishes lists

What about if cogophilia is made illegal in the future and the government gets a court order on Google to turn over its search records for cogs?

Yeah I heard that before about Gingerbread and the DroidX. It is physically a nice phone with nice features and when it works properly I love it but it is so prone to crashing.

You can run about 80% of Greasemonkey scripts in Internet Explorer

Phones are subject to Sod's Law. The best time to buy a phone is tomorrow.

I voted so I can comment. I have a Droid X and I'm reaching the end of the contract. Someone on Lifehacker, I think it was Adam, said that at the time of writing Android was the OS everyone was buying but it was the one least likely to generate repeat purchases, or something along those lines. Meaning if you buy an

What an elegant way you have with words, you must be a hit with the ladies.

I am using Adobe Acrobat

You beat me to it!

The browser isn't involved, you're piping the content to a non interactive output device... a pdf in your pdf app.

An alternative to pdfmyurl is built in to most browsers. Right click the link and select Print Target or the equivalent in your browser. Select your pdf printer. The advantage of doing it this way is it doesn't present live links in the returned page so you can't accidentally click one and download a virus and it's

OMG you are so right! I forgot all about that (and it's my job to know Windows!) Thanks.