
Actually Streetside works best in cities like NYC where everything is vertical and horizontal.

pwned by Google then I guess

If you have a hotmail or live account you automatically get Word, Excel, Onenote, and Powerpoint live. Sign in to your account and hold your mouse over the skydrive menu option.

"Google Chrome Sync makes any computer , anywhere, "your " computer.."

This was a good read Whitson. Thank you.

If you have to use google services then as far as possible sign into each one with a different email address (and not necessarily a gmail address either), This destroys the essential link google makes as it uses your email address as its primary key. Don't use multiple sign-in in gmail for these addresses as google

Google's privacy policy states in the very first section they share your stuff with third parties; who said anything about getting freaked about ads in the mail? Everyone knows that's machine driven. We all know Google and maybe even afford them some trust but... do you trust the third parties they give your stuff to?

That's good to know, thanks; but as I said I'm not able to use lastpass because of company policy

I thought you were refering to people playing games on the phone while in the john.

Ones with a sense of hygiene. One should add cellphones to the list of untouchable germ-laden objects along with ATM buttons and touchscreens, hot air hand driers, door handles and the underside of chairs in a restaurant. It's a wonder we aren't all dead or ravaged with Ebola.

I don't have a global solution for you, KeePass/LastPass seem to do the job for you adequately as long as they're used properly and I've seen once or twice and admired your idea to keep other important data in there to the point where I may just do that. As I said we're not permitted to use password managers on

Well I didn't know you could do this and it's not intuitive. It seems a basic tenet that not all knowledge is known by everyone and therefore until you offer a piece of knowledge to an audience you have no idea if is well known or not.

Lifehacker is about passing on knowledge to people who don't know this stuff. Do you know so much that you've never said "Well! I didn't know that" when anyone told you anything?

Mmm, sorry then, I thought LastPass could be set to automatically remember its own password and autologin, so to speak.

You have access to the full range of settings on the computer, you can wreak havoc there such as forwarding emails to a third party...

As far as I know I've never logged into gmail thru the browser. I'm suspecting some other app is messing stuff up. Time to clear out the crap from my phone but as things stand this 'innovation' is a potential security issue.

So, if I use LastPass I can log in automatically to my bank, my gmail, my paypal/ebay/whatever by only remembering one password. So, if anyone gets that password they can access all my sites... correct?

I know what you are saying and I understand but I just tried the entire process and my phone does not ask me to log in, it just takes me to a warning page about proceeding and gives me the choice of gmail or igoogle. I can log in without knowing the password. Now, arguments over, is there a setting or something I have

I'm not trolling in this comment. I have no experience with LastPass and the others because I prefer to keep my passwords in my head. I've never even seen a password manager working and they are strictly forbidden at my place of work and on any company owned machine. Where is the security in being able to sign in to

Ok, I see your point about changing the password but you can still log-in without knowing the password and you still get access to his mail, therefore not secure. You just need the phone in your hand, that's what this means - "and the browser of questionable security will automatically log you into your Google account