So, your friend's round your house and goes to take a pee. You head over to this page, scan the QR with his phone, log in, reset his password. Friend comes back from bathroom, life goes on, at least for a while.
So, your friend's round your house and goes to take a pee. You head over to this page, scan the QR with his phone, log in, reset his password. Friend comes back from bathroom, life goes on, at least for a while.
we don't need to, it speaks for itself
I actually can't believe how bad an example of this app the pic above is. I live in NYC. It has the location of Grand Central wrong; it appears to discount any route over the 59th St bridge which is a major pedestrian route, it shows routes using the Lincoln and Midtown tunnels which are not open to foot traffic and…
Yeah I would have to question anyone's motives there :)
Well that can be done the old-fashioned way, without the app.
but how will the stranger in town know if the app is accurate or not if it's only on the ball some of the time?
It's worse than that if you look at the pic it's set for 1h 30m!
You can't walk through the Lincoln Tunnel
Or just turn the lid upside down and insert it the arthritis friendly way.
"Google News is a pirate business that makes money off the content owners and homogenizes all of them to just a link on a page."
It's actually quite unspiffy. It is suggesting you can walk over 80 city blocks (to the Harlem river Pkwy in this case) in 45 minutes and return at the same rate. A NYC rule of thumb is 2 minutes traversing each block from avenue to avenue (East-West)and 2 minutes for every 2-3 blocks traversing streets (North-South)
This may well be a good idea but in the map above it didn't get the location of Grand Central correct which is a bit of a bummer. Also it seems to balk at crossing the 59th St bridge for some reason.
We also test IE and the other browsers and with a few exceptions relating to css non-conformance, when IE9 'fails' as you put it, it is invariably down to bad site design by the developers in not matching coding practice with doctype or using out of date and non compliant code.
When you referred to "middle-aged folks" I think you meant folks from the middle-ages.
That's only partly true; the employees in Redmond all got Windows phones for themselves and their families (I'm not including contracted or limited term employees here). I'm in lower Manhattan and nobody knows we exist at corporate HQ. I got neither a phone or a tablet however I do get to test out all the new stuff -…
Well just to continue the Microsoft love they are my employer.
The SUI is customizable. You can put all the commands you use in one tab and leave it open and because you put them there you know where they are.
I'm going to disagree with you over the 'damn ribbon' The SUI is one of the best received innovations to Windows software in a long time. Only the detractors are mouthy about it - everyone else just grooves on the pleasure of using it. Noobs take to it right away, flexible oldies likewise, it's only the…
I don't think google cares about your life but they care about the dollars they get from selling the details of your life to an unknown (to you) commercial enterprise that's going to do who the hell knows what with your stuff. And as for the results, they pull up different results to google which doesn't necessarily…
That's funny because you were on my mind as I was writing that post. I thought "Well I bet TheFu won't agree with much of this :)"