"It is a privilege to be associated with the vb wiz named Java Princess."
"It is a privilege to be associated with the vb wiz named Java Princess."
CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak("the smart ass one liner")
Set kari = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Set moonsMouth = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
You can squeeze it even further by going direct to the SAPI
This vbscript will play your sound without WMP flashing on screen, even momentarily. It doesn't use sndrec32 and works on W7. Just substitute the path of your message in the script, save it somewhere and replace
Only if you own the copy of XP
I didn't think sndrec32 was available on Windows 7; you can copy it from an XP machine and it will work as above. Otherwise you'll have to substitute WMP or your preferred player.
Here's how to make your own custom spoken messages to go with the ccleaner alert tip above. You'll need to have the MS Speech API Sapi4 or greater installed - default on >XP I think.
It's not change for the pure sake of change - read the blog link I posted which is a reasonable account of the thinking behind the ribbon user interface.
But then no one would ever pass.
You're welcome. The capability of a lot of the extensions for Chrome and Firefox featured here already exist in MSIE9 - no one ever mentions them and people pee themselves over the extensibility of Chrome and Firefox - I just try to help IE users.
Hey guys and ribbon haters don't forget you can create your own customized ribbon with just the commands you use every day there. No more 'confusing' searching for what you want - it's right where you last put it.
It's for the same people who needed the luminous sundial. Sorry, can't find a link so it must not be on sale anymore.
Ok thanks very much. I'll wait for a chance to use this :) and thanks for the education.
Hmmm, it seems I must apologize to the Elaine that has that email account for making it accessible to scammers. I am truly sorry for my lapse in thought processes.
You can also help yourself by creating separate gmail accounts for each of your most secure sites. An email consisting of variations of your first and last name is as amenable to brute force hacking as anything else. Imagine having a regular name such as, for example Elaine Sanchez (she's sitting right next to me) and…
"you don't break the 4th wall"
Seems like if it passes the equivalent of an alternative to DNS will be set up by some enterprising individual
For IE9 users who would like the same protection it is already built in but without the annoying notifications. Just haul your ass over to Settings/Safety/Tracking Protection and install some tracking protection lists. Any that is except those from Truste which despite its name does not deserve your trust.