
I wasn't really looking for anything cheap - I'm waiting till after Christmas then kitting myself out with an iPhone and iPad but I keep seeing them, even on sale by the street vendors here in NYC and just wondered if they were any good.

If the Prez' red button uses IE6 then leave things be. I don't want no software malfunction nuking NYC. I live in NYC and according to Hollywood it always gets the disaster crap first.

9 can do 8 and 7 but daren't go any further.

You know, if a large corporation wants to use IE6 then let them; it doesn't affect your web browsing in any real way and if it really would cost them big-time to upgrade then you, as the guy on the bottom rung of the ladder - the consumer, would pay - as in a higher price for your pizza or heineken.

So what? Two wrongs don't make a right.

Nice documentary. However Stephen Fry looks like Hitler did in 1955

Promoted because it's true, even though I live in Williamsburg.

I don't think you can beat the view from the Bayonne Bridge. This is where I bring my first-time-in-NYC friends.

I know we're supposed to be suggesting stuff this time but I want to ask a question. Are the really cheap tablets you see at Kmart etc. any good for anything? Their price makes them almost disposable if for example you dropped them on the subway or they got rained on or the cat throws up on one. If they're good for

I'm not going away honey so get used to me. As for your declaration of what I am you're wrong. It is evident from the pro-texting comments here that to a man they are all selfish, self-righteous people convinced of their own superior skills. The fact is that it doesn't matter how good a driver you are if you text

Yes, actually I would if it takes your eyes of the road ahead. Whether it should be made illegal is a different matter altogether.

Maybe this type of comparison would make for a good Lifehacker article or a hive five. And no, I haven't checked to see if one has been done.

Well that wasn't obvious. However one has to generalize because there are so many causes of driver distraction and some of those boundaries overlap.

Sorry, I misunderstood where you were coming from. As for hyperbole - it's my middle name. There are many things which in a perfect world legislation would be ideal but you can't really legislate against turning down the volume or talking to someone in a car, whether these cause accidents or not. There are quite a few

I never thought old lady snatch skin would figure in a debate about texting and driving. Well done. :)

I'm not sure if that's a bit of irony-fu going down there. Texting while driving is a bad practice that is amenable to legislation to prevent innocent (i.e. non texting while driving pedestrians and other road users) from being mowed down (remember what the law is for - protecting the innocent as well as punishing

So, you're using one dangerous activity (radio) to justify another (texting). You do realize where that logic leads...

Pilots are trained a hell of a lot more than the average driver on his driving test around an off-road disused airport runway only needing to pass 22 of 42 competencies to get a license. Imagine a pilot needing 22/42. "Okay passengers, I'm great at flying this thing however I can't land to save my soul."

I think it should be illegal everywhere but with higher penalties in the areas where you would propose a ban.

Why do you need to mess with a GPS once you're on your way? If you change your destination pull over and reprogram.