
Well, it's a wage control (or, more pedantically, salary control). But at any rate, you're right that wage-price controls have been implemented in the past to combat inflation, usually without much effect. James isn't advocating for sub-market rates to control inflation, though; he's saying that the mechanism for

Perhaps the NBA constitution has a provision empowering the commish or maybe a supermajority of owners to eject an owner, but if so, Article 35 clearly ain't it. And in re: Kessler—it wouldn't be the first time, and certainly won't be the last, that a legal "expert" has no fucking clue what he or she is talking about.

The Penny Marshall lookalike on the iPhone is in the row behind Rock Dad. His actual lady companion is obscured behind the score bug until the end. She kinda gets into it, though maybe also she's just shielding her face.

Are you serious? That's Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy, Red Sox announcers. That's why the onscreen graphic is of two red socks.