I like Zim as much as the next Bethesda resident, and would be happy to see him win a ring, but...he amassed -0.2 WAR in 51 games. His absence wasn’t holding the team back.
I like Zim as much as the next Bethesda resident, and would be happy to see him win a ring, but...he amassed -0.2 WAR in 51 games. His absence wasn’t holding the team back.
Lo Duca’s theory posits a world where, but for the bribery, Cowboy Joe would have made the correct call, which all available evidence shows to be untrue.
Doesn’t everybody drink smoothies through a straw?
My totally baseless speculation is, uh...based on this paragraph from the Ringer story:
To be fair, Mark Kirk pulled his endorsement in June when he attacked Judge Curiel.
Maybe, though Argentina’s ambivalence towards Messi predates the allegations about tax evasion.
Fair enough. I’d be moderately surprised if Green significantly improved from where he is, which is a fringe MVP candidate. Garnett took it to a whole ‘nuther level.
I LOL’d at the joke but while Garnett was certainly a phenom, Green is not that far behind him at age 25: http://bkref.com/tiny/5hqXL . Garnett scored and rebounded more, Green is a better passer and is more efficient. Both are good on defense. KG gets the nod but it’s not a laughable comparison.
I do not know what the announcer is referring to when he says in the second video “He kicked him in the nickname,” but I can say with confidence that the phrase will henceforth get heavy rotation in my collection of euphemisms for getting dinged in the dong.
I don’t have a superstrong opinion about who would win, but I find it interesting that most folks conclude that playing by the rules of Bulls’ era would disadvantage the Warriors. Sure, there’d be hand checking, but at the same time, the 3-point line would be almost 2 feet closer than it is today. How good would the…
Yup. I can’t believe Vogan is still alive, let alone the (former) football coach. He must’ve been pushing 400lbs+ when I was there, and that’s almost 20 years ago. Surely his heart should’ve given out by now.
Shouldn’t the clock have stopped running when the first basket was made at like 2.4 seconds?
It was Chinese New Year, for the Chinese.
I don’t get it. I mean, sure Mike Brown is a notorious skinflint—but surely he at least understands that a salary cap increase means league revenue increased, which is good for him, right? And isn’t Spanos the more likely second no vote, since he’s kinda screwed now?
Maybe, I guess? I’m not going to run a LexisNexis search to confirm it or anything but it seems like the consensus view these days—shared even by Kobe himself!—is that Kobe sucks and how. And I thought the conventional wisdom about why Kobe would never measure up to MJ, except in the secret heart of the truest Laker…
It’s weird to comment that Kobe is immune from criticism...on a post criticizing Kobe?
Why is it criminal douche-baggery for KG to pay tribute to someone who played a significant role in his career and life? Even if it were fully calculated, and KG hatched this idea weeks ago and was just waiting for the moment he learned that Saunders had died to put it into motion—so what? What are the circumstances…
I’m not persuaded this would fall within misappropriation, even if there were securities involved. With the caveat that misappropriation is even more unsettled than classical insider trading, misappropriation arises when a non-insider trades on confidential information in breach of some duty not to use the information…
I guess my point would be this: insider trading is a fuzzy concept, but whatever it is, it’s illegal. Some people (notably, the NY AG) suspect what happened here is also illegal, and to explain why, they analogize it to insider trading (or fraud). But the analogies break down fairly easily, because what happened here…