
I notice a lot of strange cross promotion going on in AMC shows, especially in the Walking Dead. During the time building up to that crummy samurai show the Walking Dead had an episode dedicated to Morgan and a sensei goat. The preacher character in the Walking Dead has just started becoming more "bad ass" in a

Mop up that cubicle sweat, it's going to be a long gimmick.

Conflicted about last week's Harmontown, that Russell Brand fuckboi vg programmer brought out an ugly side of everyone on stage.

So sad That there will be two weeks without The Best Show.

Can someone get shout! A book to explain why I need streaming access to all the episodes of mary hartman mary hartman. My personal serialized great white!

He flashed his genitalia across movie theaters nation wide while wearing "gay-face." He's nothing more than a petulant provacateur that feels like he does nothing but use his comedy to punch down on people and try to exploit American stupidty and ignorance as if he's the first person to dare to go "there." I feel like

I heard a terrible rumor about Mercury that he liked young male child prostitutes called taxi boys, apparently following the legacy Elvis left behind.

No wonder I just had an unwatched season of this show sitting on my DVR until it reached digital oblivion, my hair does not flip in the same direction as the CW demos.

His Potatoe Chip ad and sexual advances of Betty were a real show highlight. He seems like an actor best seen sparingly.

SFHIW. You can tell how long a show will stand by the acronym it makes. This is almost as bad as that Fat Princess Playstation game.

I can actually imagine Michaels simpering and purring over the word "ratings." Apparently the actual debates are getting high cable ratings too, which is at least an approvement from American Idol era America.

I actually grew up with Conan at least from the glory days of his NBC show. He's got a great on-stage personality and the fellow cast and re-occuring characters felt like Conan created his own special niche on the TV landscape. The Leno & Letterman Wars were dealt with in an idiosyncratic fashion that I think was

And did no one see this excerpt: "She’s also currently working on an untitled war drama for Cary Fukunaga."

It's called living the life of a pampered starlet and probably not doing as much blow as the rest of the cast, especially the twins.

I am not saying the meat industry literally calculated a Syrian civil war crisis, what I believe is that human gluttony and greed that manisfests itself in the form of practices like the meat industries.

Why so glib? Do you not believe that the meat production industry yields more toxic emissions into our atmosphere and consumes more raw food amd water than any other mad made endeavor? Do you not believe the conflicts in Syria are not the result of abnormal famine conditions caused by climate change?

Nowhere in the article does it mention that this film is being brought you by the visionary mind who scrawled togethed Snow White and the Seven Huntsmen. I guess Scar-jo is going back to the slums.

I read it during my first time abroad to Europe along with re-reading LOlita and wanted to read the reverse of Europeans visiting America so the stakes were high for it to be impactful. And from the moment the protagonist was going to share the name with a Sonic the Hedgehog character, and then proceed to have no

Sounded like a weaker version of Jex Thoth to me.