
I found Egger's book unreadable, it's the personified version of a social commentator whose only philosophy is Orwellian! This was my first encounter with Eggers and do not understand how a book as contrived as the Circle is attracting such a great cast.

I am still kind of crushed that Amy Sedaris didn't end up incorporated into Colbert's new show…maybe a reoccurring cooking segment?!

Also I wanted to make note of Shammy's use of child actors. His entire career is practically built on a well executed child character. But then he went and made After Earth and Avatar which suffered because of children but they still didn't break his career. He is still using children characters but apparently the

I think we need more Shamalamadingdongs in the world. I've seen a fair bulk of his work and constant disappointment in his scripts, visually he has style and makes bold choices that will remain with you. No matter how many bad movies you watch few will be as satisfying as The Happening.

But I think this approach is kind of brilliant! It's better than Prince's fanservice on HitnRun where he actually lifts the spoken word intro to "Crazy For You" in the first song like it's some sort of fantastical alien broadcast.

Obligatory reminder that All You Need is Now is actually a great, late synth pop album that is better than it has any right to be…plus David Lynch recently directed their concert.

I feel bad for Conan because I think Colbert is going to make the show Conan would have made if it weren't for the Leno debacle. His show on TBS if fine but he never managed to regain all of his magic from the transition.

The chanting audiences need to go, on Comedy Central it felt quaint. Now on a bigger, more corporate network it's downright menacing.

Get rid of the first four tracks and you've got a pretty good EP. It seems like the people collaborators Prince is surrounding himself with are sagging his songwriting and serve no real purpose but to prevent Prince from making further rap excursions.

Maybe he finally watched that Owen Wilson movie?

Looks like all that time hanging out with Kevin Smith never really paid off.

I hope he brings Harmony Korine in for a field-trip to La La Land.

Dogtooth alone made me a fan for life of this director. One of those essential movies that if you don't like I'm not sure we'll ever truly see eye to eye on great filmmaking. It's a rare breed of surrealism from a Greek perspective, a region of the world I would have never expected a great film from. One of the only

He's probably just not for you. I usually find loud comics lazy and making up for lack of material by heightening the delivery, but Eichner's loudness has a degree of timing and psychosis that I appreciate. Maybe I just like him because I also have weird eyes that look almost wall-eyed or crossed at times

If anything it represents a real shift in "Movies Based on True Events" seeing as the event in question was one flimsy news story.

I hesitated to lump Tambor in with the rest of those lusty lads and feel since it's a TV show it gives him much more carefully crafted character. Whereas in film a guy being a trans woman always feels like a stunt

I want to see that iphone recorded film Tangerines, not only does it have an experimental film style it also has a much more honest and authentic cast.

Why? Why would you knowingly support something that is so manipulative?

Is horror-trolling a well documented tradition?

It is isolated to the Bush boys you could throw in the Kochs and Trump and all the other archetypal tyrants suffering from daddy issues.