
I was sitting next to Odell Beckham Jr., and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards. He was like, “That’s a marshmallow. That’s a child. That’s a dog.” It wasn’t mean — he just seemed confused.

Do you all even know what he said or understand the pint he was making? Do you know the context of the situation Kurt was discussing and being satirical towards.

You use “giant piece of shit” and “rightfully” like they are completely objective terms, which is exactly the problem I was highlighting. If Amy Schumer, or any other celebrity that our side of the political spectrum thinks we own, has an opinion that appears to be going against the official Liberal Orthodoxy of the

I’m willing to give both Schumer and Metzger a pass on this—sort of. Metzger’s only point was that we, as a nation, believe a suspect is innocent until proven guilty, but we keep running into situations where guilt is assumed, and the trial is a formality. It is the Nancy Grace version of justice. On the other hand,

BTW, not that most will be open-minded enough to listen (certainly not open-minded enough to pay attention to the ideas, as opposed to the tone or conversational mannerisms), you can all hear Kurt discuss this with, amongst others, Erin Gloria Ryan, on his podcast. If you actually pay attention, you will hear her

This is getting very House Un-American Activities Committee. You can’t employ someone who says something we disagree with. You can’t be friends with someone who says something we disagree with. You can’t love someone who says something we disagree with. You have to public denounce someone who says something we

Would someone please do a quick look through social media, and notice that WAY more people are calling for something bad to happen to Kurt Metzger than there are people calling for something bad to happen to someone that all of those same people agree is an actual rapist. In fact, there seems to be a lot of “Kurt

“She has to be perfect in all manner, or else fuck that bitch.”

You are fucking tiresome.

To be fair we defer to Internet outrage around here quite a bit especially when deciding whether someone should be supportive of there friends who have likely done terrible things. I’m sure Woody Allen and Bill Cosby’s friends still care about their lousy asses.

Yeah, I can’t believe she’d treat a friend who she disagrees with on an issue w/ respect instead of throwing him under the bus.

Come on, dude. He said “a smart understanding of what rape is becoming and what we’re now understanding about it.” He’s making exactly the point you say he should be making. Jesus, why does this conversation always devolve into policing people for not phrasing things in exactly the way people like you approve of?

“Agree with me or perish.”