Oh the poor racist Confederate needs a safe space. Let’s “pray” for him.
Oh the poor racist Confederate needs a safe space. Let’s “pray” for him.
I think First Contact is the best of all of them until the first Abrahams one. V has a couple of fun moments, but it’s mostly just a silly premise that never makes much sense or gets off the ground. The idea of a space cult of brainwash followers could have worked. Dancing Uhura and jokes about taking a shit in space…
you’re totally wrong, that movie was the funniest shit I have seen in a long time. Yes, it was totally stupid. but I haven’t laughed that much in ages.
I made it clear to my husband that I’m not an organ donor. As a gay man... they won’t take my blood while I’m alive... They can kiss my ass if they think they’re getting my gizzard when I’m dead (and making a hundred grand or so, none of which my husband will get, to transplant it into someone else). Don’t like my…
I guess it depends on your meaning of the words “quality” and “better.”
And if a preference for one kind of audio could be broken down scientifically... honestly... why do you care so much? It’s like you’re on some weird personal crusade.
to you, maybe. I prefer the sound of vinyl.
to you, maybe.
Maybe... I love going out and buying the records and I love having them here... I like looking at the cover while I listen to the record... I like the sound and I’ll even admit that there’s something really fun about the crappy little travel turntable I have. I take it when I’m on the road for work and I seek out used…
no, it has to do with me liking the sound better and enjoying owning the music. I play it and feel like the music is in the room with me. All those digital 1s and 0s are convenient but I’ll always prefer records over anything else.
wait... you think MP3s have better quality audio than vinyl. OK... well... good for you.
I prefer the superior sound of vinyl and don’t mind having to flip records and clean them.
ugh... there’s nothing more annoying than an insufferable know-it-all who doesn’t know it all.
not really. Most of us got into it because playing records is a much better and personal experience. Letting the vinyl play feels and sounds better to most of us. And it’s more fun to play the record and look at the jacket and read the liner notes. It’s like artwork that you can play. It’s just an all-around better…
vinyl has honestly made me appreciate my music much more than I did before. Now I enjoy letting a record play, I enjoy all the songs and don’t just skip to the one I like.
well then... you’re just as much of an insufferable know-it-all (who doesn’t actually know much) as a divorced, middle-aged guy who never gets laid. It must really suck to be you. Sorry.
you really don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about and seem very upset that people enjoy something you don’t. You’re divorced, male, 45 and never get laid, right?
you can have your MP3s. I prefer vinyl. I think it sounds better and I think it’s more fun to play. It’s more interactive and I feel like the music is in the room with me. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m saying I like my way better and you like yours.
I’m just fine with this. I love my drone and have shot some pretty jaw-dropping footage with it, but at the same time I have seen other users doing downright dangerous things with theirs, including watching one guy fly his under a highway underpass, head-on into highway-speed traffic. I’ve seen people flying theirs…
This is kind of like trying to cure someone’s dehydration by dumping water down their back. It might help a tiny bit for a short time but ultimately we need normal sustained rainfall and a buildup of snow. Not just a huge deluge. This is going to cause mudslides, floods, damage and death. This isn’t good. And it’s…