Acetone! Why didn’t I think of that! ... things got sticky when I was modding my computer case. 80's retro style theme :)
Acetone! Why didn’t I think of that! ... things got sticky when I was modding my computer case. 80's retro style theme :)
The Fall of Rome ... once greatest empire on earth ....
You win. +100 Charisma and a Rainbow Buff granting the ability of fabulousness for 4 turns for you.
Queue the Alex Joneses out there ... in 3 .. 2 .. 1
This was done by Baginski and Platige, its a series of mini movies. This one in particular with the witch scene has Witcher’s DNA all over it.
Correct me if I am wrong but the bags don’t contain liquid juice per say. They contain small pieces of fruit/vegetables that are then pressed and the juice is expelled.
His handshake is actually a power move. He holds his hand flat horizontally for a very specific reason, to assert male dominance. This is how men handshake women, a woman’s hand is always meant to go on top in a diminutive way.
Him putting his second hand on the Japanese PM hand while holding it horizontally was an…
Hmmm I thought Americas biggest drugs importer are the pharma companies? Aren’t they and the doctors that live in the pockets over prescribe opioids?
I’m in the UK and we have have had reserved seating ever since I can remember. I’m 34.