
It’s terrible, terrible stuff. It really does just over power everything, and it isn’t really a very pleasant smoke flavor. I often use a mix of hickory and apple (about 2-1 ratio); last year or two I’ve been playing around with oak and pecan too. Can’t say I really have a favorite blend anymore, and as long as

So, I actually did smoke some salmon last weekend. I didn't have time to get around to updating, but I do now.

The fan set-up for the pellicling (yeah, it's a verb now). Since it was just me and my wife, and this was something of an experiment, I got one pound of sockeye. Pretty fresh, too.

Dude, you just brined your fish.

You convinced me to buy my first pellet smoker. I'm giving this a run. Thanks! If I don't make it, bury my heart in the Columbia Bar

We eat the fuck out of some crickets in the Midwest, so... in your face?

For Guy Fieri Smoked Salmon, simply use the recipe above, substituting bleach for the brine. Then feed the whole shebang into a blender until liquified and drop thatin the freezer for a few hours. Cut it into cubes and flush the cubes down the toilet. Cry.

Me: Hang on, wife. I've got to position this fan in front of the fish that I just brined for 24 hours. In two more hours, it'll be ready to cook. Also, I'll be right back. I need to go to the hardware store to pick up some flavored wood, or something.

Actually, the unsightly white oozy gross splotches are not from the fat bubbling out, it's a protein called albumin.