
Half Life 3 confir... wait what did I just read

At 2:22 in the video, there is an image of hands framing the shattering world in a triangle, as well as a triangle used to replace the letter “A” in “Iconoclasts.” Let’s break this down:

I would play the hell out of this on Game Boy Advance.

It is not easy.

Oh shit wtf

this is such a weird intersection of my two passions: video games and bad fast and furious 1 quotes

Just like escargot isn’t scargot.

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

Oh Simpsons... you are the target of such hatred these days. Lemme help you guys out here: A bad episode of The Simpsons is still better than a good episode of anything reality TV has to offer, American Dad, Family Guy or that god awful Bob’s Burgers. The WORST episode of The Simpsons is still better than the last 3


That is an odd stance to me. Most other things we can return if we don’t like it. Even food in a restaurant. Sure, if you eat the entire thing it makes things questionable, but most restaurants will STILL give you a refund on your meal. Clothing stores started clamping down much to their detriment. Now many major

It’s a joke

3% market share, that’s why.

heh, anal, hehe

But at his level, one hit from pretty much ANY boss is instant death, so it’s not really relevant either.

Mine looks like garage too.

THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE: How to respond when reading about a total shitbag on the internet.

The evil, reptilian part of my brain goes, “Kill him! Tear him apart! Rip out his ribs one by one while he screaaaaaams!”

The good, human part of my brain that my parents raised to be a decent fellow instead says, “This is horrible.

FIFA is the best way to recreate how boring a real soccer game is.

This is the Witcher based on the Book the Witcher, based on the Character Geralt in The Witcher, if you weren’t playing as Geralt, then it wouldn’t have been called The Witcher.