Here's the thing, he could do a 'French' bit with a moustache and baguette, and it would be seen as stupid, but do a similar thing with a Chinese, and you're a racist. Where do we draw the line?
Here's the thing, he could do a 'French' bit with a moustache and baguette, and it would be seen as stupid, but do a similar thing with a Chinese, and you're a racist. Where do we draw the line?
An off-colour joke on Venture Bros? I shan't be watching that again. *Drops double-sidecar in disgust*
I once saw a couple arguing in sign language in a record shop. They got more and more frantic before they started slapping each other. Happy days.
Huh. I really remember it as six. Strange how memory works.
Pff.. Amazon… I mean I couldn't find any record of it online. It's probably pretty rare.
that movie where he hugs Robin Williams is solid.
I bought a copy in new zealand when it came out. It came with a bonus disk of six tracks. The first was Baker street. But I had my bag stolen, so I lost it. and now I can't find the disk online. Tell me I wasnt dreaming.
Spiders do a job and keep insect numbers down. Nickelback?? utterly pointless.
They can't get enough of each others booty.
Are you drunk, high or just angry?
I watched 'Master and Commander' again this weekend. It's held up amazingly well (the final battle scene being a bit blurrily shot notwithstanding), and a sequel to that would have been great.
The 'West' is geographically confusing.
Did anyone else think it was a bit weird how, of all the mighty warriors Jack had helped, that the disco people were front and center of his rescue? I'd want more of those giant archers on the back of woollies, and Scotswomen atop magical deer, than some tweaked-out ravers.
That's the genuine reason I had children.
If there was a new person who was able to slay me, I wouldn't tell him…
Actors are rarely remembered for their last roles. Thankfully.
Good choice on the brides.
Somewhat. They have a 'New' South Wales now.
Been there recently?
That's ok. I make mistakes to.