Yeah. Such a shame about cypher.
Yeah. Such a shame about cypher.
If ichi the killer wasn't an action movie, it's gotta be close.
'The best thing about it is when the black guy takes off his shirt' - someone I overheard coming out of that movie when I was going to another,
Breathe. ffs.
That wasn't a study. That was friday.
Pregnant and with braces?
A friend of mine worked for a company which added subtitles to shows. She told me she left after a couple of months because of being alone in a room, typing things like that.
When I ran a restaurant many moon's ago, we had a cup which all the guys had dangled themselves around, to be used in the most extreme cases of dickery. There is a power to it.
If you said anything but type o negative 'blood and fire,' you're wrong.
That's ok, I have a 'bear-repelling rock' I can sell at a very special price.
He's not a lady. He's just a beautiful beautiful man.
I love the screaming trees, in another universe 'make my mind' would have been a huge hit and a song for teens to make out to.
'The labyrinth showing movie house where I was conceived, born and educated.'
I think it's down to build. I have broad shoulders and huge legs. Whatever feels right for you is right. Remember that weight doesn't take into account build fat or muscle. It's just a raw number.
I'm 6'4 and when I was 200 I looked terrifying. I'm maybe 230 now.
I hated that as a kid. He's next to krusty and some other fat guy (kent brockman?) Who are bigger than homer.
I watched it with my gal recently, she noticed that the number of samurai who survive and the number of samurai who talk about it at the end is slightly different.
We're both winners. We're both losers.
Yeah I was worried before I went in, but it's nothing compared to my dad, who observed his own vasectomy (and won't shut up about it, 30 years on).