Jasper Sapien.

It's funny and cute, then compare it to Jack VS the Zombies or that one in the haunted house, which are legitimately terrifying.

There's an episode in the original run where he meets the actual lone wolf and cub. It's just for kicks though, from what I remember. What a show this is.

Korn unplugged. Traumatic.

Thanks. Nicely done not giving too much away. Ill see it soon as life allows. Just incidentally, I find myself whistling / humming that tune in charisma far too often.

That costs extra.

Is it a little like charisma? I paid to download creepy, but i'm waiting for my internet to start up again.

And what if I don't?

Who else? Even her parents had a different last name to her.

Far too many episodes end with Frasier topless, bellowing at Eddie about the injustice of romance, despite the entire blame falling at his own feet.

I need to put on 50lbs, put Johnny depp in a wig, and become a director.

And by get off, I mean leave.

She wanted to get off.

Yes. My wife and I saw this last year, and she said that the lake house is better.

Pom Poko is an odd world in a different way. I like it.

Some will be saying it's cultural appropriation, others will be chowing down nuggets in sauce like it's an addiction.

Rove was the worst thing to happen to Australia since the stolen generation.

Seen? Very few. Felt him? Very many.

For my phone at least, if a facebook video buffers at all, it will just restart from the beginning. That seems a solid and easily solvable flaw.

Those would make great deleted scenes though.

Christopher Walken made it seem like the world was going to end in Wayne's world 2.