Jasper Sapien.

That movie is always on planes as a 'classic choice' but it gets bowlderised to heavens, Mister farker.



It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Miss piggy for me. I stand by it.

The new Aku voice is not as good. That's the only possible criticism which could be thrown at this show.

They did have Sonny Chiba in a tank though - G.I. samurai!

Was reloaded the third? Yeah I didn't see that one after the disappointment of the second.

It is my favourite bond movie.

Cool. Bryson is at least pretty funny too. I'll check those out, and add them to my now insurmountable to-read list.

It's an entirely fresh idea in china. In 1991/2, whenever it first came out, they were still picking bits of protestors out of tank tracks.

I'm against them, but they make a fortune, especially in foreign markets which never saw the originals.

Did you see the animatrix? It was done in segments, some of which were great, some terrible, but it worked as an idea.

Yeah the travel writing is irritating, but I think as a historian he at least covers some interesting points.

I really enjoyed 'the mother tongue' a book by bill bryson, anyone else read it? Anything else close in terms of tone and information out there?

'James Corden, Britain's loss is also America's loss' - Stewart Lee

I remember the people in front of me saying? 'Can you imagine if this ended here?' just as the end credits started.

- I'm sorry, did you just call me a racist?
- no, I called you a rapist
- Oh, that's much worse.

They got a regular sized Swede and shot him from low angles.

As long as it makes money, they'll make more. Thanks, less discerning foreign market.