Jasper Sapien.

But it's 2017

For me it was listening to a live recording to them and he dedicates raining blood to his children, in a weedy voice.

Yeah what was the deal there? I started watching thinking it was a satire, then perhaps it may have been a straight-faced parody, then realised it was just good looking nonsense.

There's the episode where they get chased by crazed turkeys, the guest star is Teddy in shorts running. Comedy gold.

It can rock, it can shred, but it can't kick ass.

No, this slayer actually kicks ass. If you think the band kicks ass, listen to an interview with Araya and not want to give him a noogie, swirlie and/or purple nurple.

good question. I'm looking to spend some money that I earned working from home.

Him appearing on John Snow's shoulders during the tennis match in '7 Days in Hell' was hilarious.

For this much money, I can be whatever you want me to be.

For this much money, I can be whatever you want me to be.

I don't think its possible to see enough.

They're wrong about new balanced shoes. Dress shoes with no socks is the official shoe of white people. Particularly if it leads to exclamations of 'ooh boy are my dogs barking.'

'Killing is my business…. and business is good' dave mustain.

I just remembered, I think it was called 'Billy and the drinkosaurus'.

China financed a huge wadge of the movie, that was the compromise. His Chinese wife is literally dialogue free.

Get off my lawn.

There's far too much introspection and human emotion in Network for it to be truly applicable here. Still awesome though.

"We're not sure when, but we know that we scorched the sky so that spambots could no longer tell the time, and thus be unable to tell you how much they made working from home in the last week." - Morpheus.

Just another example of 'yellowwashing' in Japanese movies.

Very strange to me as a tapir, too.