Jasper Sapien.

I always thought that He'd be a far more upmarket Mark Lanegan.

Philip K. Testicles?

They're not giant ties, they just look that way in his hands.

'The Jew', you're allowed to hate one.

I was saying 'uncle lonegan'.

Ah, the deleted scenes. When the movie came out on DVD it came with a few special edition postcards of the action, complete with zipcode spaces on the back. What kind of maniac would send them?

Bicycles don't count, so 98%??

Bulls, CGI bulls. Man that movie kicks ass.


She's a lot closer to the voice of the sexy, 50s style girl gang member that she played in that new, weird, Pee-Wee Herman movie.

What a great show.

I would say he's one of the most lusted after men on earth, and that's better.

Kelsey grammar would be a home voice proxy to read it, I always thought.

I'll watch it again. Either way, I'll kicked ass.

Were talking the Johnny to movie? Yeah the sequel is good.

there's a Japanese one called curse which took me unawares by how 'good' it was.


did you check out drug war two? It raised the stakes, but I'll have to check it out when I'm less drunk.

I always wanted to see a 'red dawn' style sequel to 13 assassins starring the nephew guy who survived and said he would go to America to score with ladies.

Was 13 assassins from pre-2010? if not…