But it's not in keeping with her character to not at least confer with Walt first.
But it's not in keeping with her character to not at least confer with Walt first.
If Walt’s end-game involves disposing of Jesse, it’s likely he’ll opt for a bloodless, painless execution for the guileless kid he treats as a second son.
@Baptiste: Oh, absolutely. I think the writers are pretty obviously telling us Skyler is now all about the money. She's the one, after all, who suggested to the dying (and ready to turn himself in) Walt that they "just keep quiet."
The tone has gotten darker. There's not a total lack of humor, but I agree it's become less prominent. I think, for better or worse, that's inevitable, given the fact that we're approaching the finale —- we're seeing a bunch of characters who are increasingly desperate.
A dirty old school bus is what a huge multi-million dollar international meth lab looks like??
Seriously? The lab was huge. I'm not even sure Lydia was supplying the Czech Republic when Fring was alive — her involvement at that point might have been confined to supplying methylamine. But if she was dealing crystal to the Czechs, a tiny percentage of the lab's output would have been enough for a lucrative…
…aside from Skyler's utterly implausible act of not calling Walt before meeting Hank…
If her priority is her family, the smart thing to do would have been to cut a deal that gives her immunity, which I'm sure she could have done.
Honest question: when people post without reading other comments…
No, but it's more painful than cyanide or a bullet to the temple.
Um, who, exactly, is claiming Walt's faking his cancer? In any event no, I have no doubt lung cancer is slower than ricin (although not necessarily more painful if given sufficient pain killers) but again, if you're walt, why not come up with something that's not painful at all given your prodigious chemistry…
Lots of people are predicting Walt will use the ricin on himself, but I kinda doubt it. For one thing, it can result in a painful death. For another, it's a somewhat slow death — and that would run the risk that, if he's in custody, he might be administered an antidote. Given his knowledge of chemistry, seems more…
Oh right. Forgot about that. Thanks.
Why would Hank be fired for coming clean about Walts doings?
She may have been afraid to contact Walt. In her mind she must have been considering the possibility that either Walt's or her calls where being monitored — or that their call records could be seized at some point. Also, within a short while Walt was on his way to the desert, and had either turned his phone off or had…
Not even possible? Who is responsible for the tracking device on Walt's car if not Hank?
But does anybody think Walt looks older than 52 in the flashfoward? I don't know why but to me he does.
I think more than any one thing, it's the TOTALITY of the evidence. Anyway, it's all moot now, because Walt essentially confessed to Hank in the garage that he is indeed Heisenberg.
Why couldn't Hank have done it himself? He's a lot more mobile as he continues to recover from the shooting. I don't see why Hank couldn't have driven by late at night and done it. Or maybe he did in fact have a colleague at the DEA do it. Heck, he might even have called in a favor with the APD.