
I love her dress. Just gorgeous!

I watch WeTV too for the Monk and L&O Criminal Intent marathons and see the commercials for these horrible shows like From Not to Hot and Hey Look! I Am Marrying an Ex-Felon I Barely Know and just shake my head. What the hell is the matter with people?

Those were pretty great!

Aww, I like him! I thought he died tbh so I am glad he is still alive and kicking.

If only the woman would have answered “Hot Pants” back with, “Just a minute pencil dick!” Or “I am on a call, unfortunate face.” But then I am an old and my field of fucks is barren.

I love Sarah Paulson so much.

That looks awesome as hell! I can’t wait!

Exactly! What did the rats do to deserve that?

This loon was an elected state representative. What the fuck? I guess it really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re a republican. People will still vote for you.

That movie gave me nightmares as a child.

I know! I work for a magazine. I think there is going to be a print renaissance!

But, but, but, Hillary didn’t inspire me. And I need to feel inspired. And, and, and, there was something going on about her emails but I wasn’t sure what it was because I am too lazy to find out.

Are they sure he’s dead? Did they poke him with a stick to make sure?

Oh yes. So fucking hot.

What a gross pig.

Crazy Days and Nights had a couple of revealed blind items about Sheen that references this very thing.

The fuck?

My favorite movie is The Searchers but I cannot stand JW.

Kasich is a fucking scumbag. How he keeps getting elected is beyond me.

What a gross pig.