
They are the pride of the white race!

He looks like he is 10 french fries away from a massive coronary.

I just tweeted this asshole to tell him I love Pepsi (which I do) and will continue to drink it because it pisses him off so much. Yes, I am immature. Yes, I don’t care.

Jesus Christ.

She is as stupid as he is.

Is there a job application to become a professional protester? I need to restock my rum supply because I ran through it all this week and it isn’t even the weekend.

Well let’s hope he doesn’t set up a private server. Oh I forgot, IOKIYAR. Never mind.

Now in its 8th year!

Oh thank God! It is about time someone stood up for the beleaguered white man?

There was this article on BuzzFeed:

Fuck him and fuck you.

You were conned by Trump. There will be no jobs returning. There will be no wall. The reason we are upset is because every single of one of you is too dense to see that you were lied to and have been lied to by the repubs for years. Who will you blame when nothing changes and your lives get worse? Brown people

We live in Colorado and received our ballots in the mail on October 17th. My husband and I filled out our ballots as soon as we received them and then walked up to the park where there is a drop-off station to turn them in. It felt really good. I am really nervous. I don’t have a lot of faith in people. I was so sure

True! It is a bit embarrassing but it was the ’70s.

Hahahaha! My brother and the two sisters down the street gathered buckeyes under the guise of making “buckeye jewelry.” My brother tried to even sell a prototype to our neighbors. We ended up dumping several bags of buckeyes over the fence into the neighbor’s backyard (where several buckeye trees grow). My god we were

I love your mom! My dad hated George Will with a fiery passion. He was always vocal about his liberal politics but George Will sent him over the top.

My dad built our house and after he died, my mom would yell at him when she couldn’t find something like a tool. And then she would find it after she yelled at him. Freaky.

I was just describing this gif to my husband. Thanks for not making me look for it!

What a gross pig.

Welp, there go my weekend plans!