
Agreed. Fuck her and good riddance.

I was in the car with my boyfriend and his friend and we had traveled out of town to a party. We were getting the oil changed before we drove home and hadn’t turned on the radio or watched television. The woman who took the money for the oil change told us “Diana died.” It was really weird.

Why is every movie being remade? What the hell?

Agreed! I have a Janome and a Singer and they are great. I love sewing. Since I moved to a smaller place I don’t have a lot of room but I was thinking of sewing my Halloween costume this year. Thanks for the nudge!

What’s the deal with paperclips?

I am half Roma. My father’s parents were Roma and came to the U.S. in the early 20th century.

That was wonderful!

She did! She lived to 94.

My grandfather was a huge drunk and the priest told my grandmother that she had to stay with him. She said fuck that, divorced him and was excommunicated. She did have a Catholic burial though.

What the hell is the matter with people?

Hairball of hot garbage! hahahahahahahaha

Exactly. Just like forced birther assholes don’t give two shits about babies or children. Right wing wackos only give a shit about brown people in foreign countries if it furthers their agendas. Fuck them all.

Yes, it was called Burn Notice and she played Maddie Weston, Michael Weston’s mom. She was awesome in it!

Having a drink to toast Hillary Clinton’s nomination. WAY TO GO HILLARY! WooT!

That sounds exhausting!

My brother and my sister’s husband share the same first name so we always call the BIL “Firstname Lastname” to avoid confusion. It is actually pretty funny as my sister does the same thing.

YESSSSSSS! I love Serena!

Who is this goofus?

Gross, just gross.

I think she looks good.