
A couple of years ago I went to an unofficial class reunion at a local bar the day after Thanksgiving. I only went because my best friend from kindergarten and high school was in town and asked me to go with her. So I went. It was exactly like high school except everyone was bloated and faded. Everyone treated me the

I like the name Esme.

I am older than your parents. I want to cry.

That really sums it up nicely. Thank you.

Poor Zodiac. And then I remember I, too, am a Lions fan and then I am sad for both of us.

Ah Morgan bothers me. Don’t fuck with Carol, asshole.

Agreed. My parents had no business having kids and they had 8.


Is this true? I love Wonkette! That site got me through the 2008 election.

My parents had a thing about our hair. My mom used to like to tell me it was ratty, all the time. And my dad would always yell at me to comb it. No matter if it was really long or shoulder length and it wasn’t ratty or messy. They were just dicks. They really gave my little brother shit about his hair. He bleached it,

What the hell?

Argh, I hate the sea and everything in it!

Agreed. I always wanted to be in a coven.

Rum coven for me!

Ok. These names cannot be real.

I also read that all of the mortgages held by the “so-called victims” families were all paid off! Loons.

The first thing I thought of was, My cat’s name is Maceo. He’s a little man in a cat’s body.

God I love that movie!

When I first started dating my now husband he used to have dreams like this. His demon manifested itself as a yellow mist that would begin in the basement and come up the stairs. He kept having these dreams where it would get closer and closer to him. He even had them when I stayed over. We would start jerking in his

Yes! That is the one. The entity manifested itself as a little girl but wasn’t really a little girl. That freaked me out. I also like the truck one.