
My mom told me of a tradition she learned growing up that for three nights after a loved one dies you should leave a light on so they can find their way home. She did it for my dad when he died and I have done it when a cat has passed. It looks like your grandpa didn’t need help finding his way home.

My husband and I just moved into the bottom floor of a converted house. We have been here one month. We have an upstairs neighbor. When we were moving in I was standing in the bedroom and got a weird feeling and I wondered if there were ghosts in the place? I said nothing to my husband because I don’t want to be a

I love that! Is it all the Woolworth’s or just that one?

Ugh. Every single one of these people should be slapped in the face.

Thank you.

Craaaaazy characters! My husband and I quote that episode all of the time.

I remember one episode where one of the participants did not want anything to happen to an upholstered chaise lounge that had been her mother’s. The team painted it with black paint. It seemed so mean spirited. The paint wasn’t even dry during the reveal; it was like the designer did it on purpose to make a point that

I love Ice Cube’s Check Yo Self because it features Das EFX and they are the Bomb!

This is the reason I eloped. My family sucks.

I cannot stand this woman. She is worse than her mother.

She is so cute!

I like his fancy crossed paws!

As long he doesn’t speak, that is.

USAirways is really the worst. They are always late. I was flying from DC back to Denver last May and every evening flight was cancelled. I had to take a shuttle from National to Dulles to catch a Delta flight home. What the hell? I did see Elizabeth Warren in the terminal. She is tiny in person.


This is a great article! When I had my period I was never on hormonal birth control. When I started menopause I got really sad because I wasn’t going to have a period anymore and that surprised me. My periods were horrid affairs marked by terrible cramps, bloating, and constipation. I was worried that an essential

Why does this moron keep getting elected?

Me too. I love Meijers.

I fucking love that crazy demon horse! Rock on crazy demon horse!

This no-divorce-because-of-religion bullshit reminds me of my maternal grandmother, who was told by her priest that she must stay in the marriage even though her husband (my grandfather) was a drunk and was beating her and my mom. She told him to fuck off in so many words, divorced the bastard, and still kept going to