"Here, Snow White. Eat this apple. Bippity Bop!" — Bill Cosby
"Here, Snow White. Eat this apple. Bippity Bop!" — Bill Cosby
That website is just like those musicians who think they're so cool and hip.
Oh, right. Them.
Never tell Disney the odds!
You are a somebody, now please zip up your pants.
So many answers to your questions, and all of them are "yes."
And in pog form!
I would even argue that movie turned out great.
Is this Trump trolling the A.V. Club?
The mere fact you call making love "Yes, Pop-Pop. Three times now" tells me you're not ready.
"Don't we?" — Hollywood Exec.
"Star Trek: TBA."
But Xanderpuss only needs about 5 minutes, amiright?
"Yeah, what's next? A ham wanting to marry a dolphin?" — Trolls on the Internet
*sees the A.V. Club staring in my direction* It wasn't me!
"I got a Community notification for this?" — Obama
Just go back on Monday and act like it didn't happen.
The first two seasons are streaming on Amazon Prime. Perhaps they could save the show.