
As long as we get 100 tampons for six days...

YES! It's awful and I, a lifelong Chevy guy, am offended and VERY worried the next Camaro will be an SUV.

Like owning a boat, the three happiest days in your life are the day you buy it, the day you sell it, and the day you buy its replacement.

Man, I am so old I remember having a four speed manual and thinking five was pretty sweet.

Sorry, #5 is the best—Luke v Vader in Return of the Jedi. No question.
Sure, other fights may be more visually and technically impressive, but they don’t make you *feel* anything like that one does.
It’s the final freaking boss battle in the original trilogy (the only good trilogy), which says it all.

2023 (ish), in San Francisco, so....

I agree, but just reading the article there’s something funny about how this plot undersells the horror of Nazism. “Hey grandson, I hear you are a bully. You know who else liked to bully people? HITLER.”

Generally, I’d say this was a shitty move but Hendrik runs Liberty University livery on that car so fuck’em.

No Deal- He should be charging LS

You know where they’ll really do well? All those small businesses that need a truck or two for general deliveries. Think places like auto parts stores that deliver to garages or manufacturing places that need to go pick up some materials from their suppliers. The bigger guys will be going for the F-150 Lightning.

I was hoping someone else would say this, I heartily agree. Alas what was available w/in Chrysler at the time, just the 4.0 TJ engine and let’s face it that wasn’t exactly a powerhouse. Torquey as all get out sure. Bonus perk is in about 30 years if Jalopnik is still around we would be getting a ton of articles from

A V8 is not necessary for a cool Hot Rod. The Straight 6 can be a cool looking motor in a hot rod. 

came to post the same thing. These are roughly the same size as I (5'9") am roughly the same size as Mark Eaton.

Yeah, I thought that was a weird complaint, too. I don’t think my car is noticeably slower with a single, average sized passenger.

175lbs is not much - but the body makes the Cross seems more massive and lumbering, are you sure the issue wasn’t imaginary?

Bigger body seems considerably slower?

Headlines are for reading, articles are not. 

I nominate you for governor of Georgia. 

Not sure why they’re tearing it down, now that the road is closed just hit it with a truck going the other direction

Starred for Rampage.