
The Bible clearly states that there are 4177 galaxies. No more, no less.

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This stuff is so funny. Reminds me of The Vader Sessions.

Has anyone in this family ever even SEEN a chicken?

Einstein created the cosmological constant because it allowed his field equations to permit a static universe. At the time he created it, he had no idea the universe was expanding and he abandoned it as a mistake when Hubble expansion was discovered.

They could be a lot of things, but to the best of our knowledge these are physical things that exist. If our confidence was that low, we wouldn’t be building multi-billion dollar dark matter “detectors” in underground labs, like SNOLab. Another name, “mass-like fudge factor” and “energy-like fudge factor” would be

Except that’s exactly why we call them dark matter and dark energy. That extra term, dimensionally, should either be mass or energy. We have been able to survey the normal matter of the universe by observing it - there are stars or clouds of gas, and so on. We have been able to survey the mass of the universe through

so dumb.

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Sometimes we have opinions about technology in addition to reporting on new gadgets, yes!

Yes, and what us customers are paying for is fraud protection. What's the main source of credit card fraud? Either retailers' systems being compromised, or retailer's employees swiping the information off the card.

"I don't really have any dog in the Frozen fight, unless you want to screw with living legend Idina Menzel. NO ONE MESSES WITH MENZEL."

Damn. DAMN. 7 for 7 this Series. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know if Listen is the best of this Series or if it's Kill the Moon, but WOW. This is remarkable Doctor Who. No... it's remarkable television.

LOL. Amazing how folks have divergent opinions.

This is a smear campaign entirely orchestrated by Ichabod Crane.