Jason Steadman

What shocking sex and violence? They set a up a love triangle with Bjorn and Largatha's girl. They showed that the knights templar guy is a gross hypocrite to set up the new bad guy (for ten seconds tops at that…). And as far as violence?… the show is.. wait for it… about VIKINGS. What's your gripe? Those blood

zomgzors.. 1 ten second sex scene and teh show is teh takky! i is not watch teh showz no moar! lmfao… I doubt youll be missed.

For being a story spanning several centuries in hundreds of accounts none of which are "confirmed".. they've done a pretty good job staying true to the story. How exactly are they supposed to make a "documentary" that isnt A: Boring as f*ck, or B: complete nonsense… since they is no real historical documentation of

Wtf is with you people crying about that sex scene? It was to show that the Knights Templar guy is a gross hypocrite (as they were irl) and set him up to be the next Saxon "bad guy". Jfc. It was like ten seconds.

That was literally the entire point. He tricked them. He can't give away that land. Therefore they get comfy like they did before and his son can come kill them. And the sex scene was to show how disgusting that dude's character is. He banged the widow right after the funeral. It was meant to show he's the new

Srsly?! This episode was way better than 2 episodes ago. ivar is going to be awesome. there's never gonna be another Ragnar… but Ivar can definitely pull it off. They try and keep to "written" history (snake pit etc) so ivar will lead the heathen army and conquer quite a bit of england with tactics way ahead of his

There was a point. They were showing that "christian" knight was really a douche bag. He was banging that widow immediately after the funeral. Hence his intro. That dude really existed and those guys were precursors to the Knights Templar. Now the Bjorn sex scene with Lagartha's lesbian friend a couple episodes

Ivar was the most famous and most decorated. He took over almost all of England.

Ikr.. are people just dumb or what?