Jason Sheldon
  • No online pre-orders

The visual novel Steins;Gate will be out on PS3/Vita in North America on August 25, publisher PQube just announced. Between that and the Danganronpa spinoff, Vita owners will be pretty damn busy this fall.

I never really saw Jinx as slutty.

Moderators hate him, man finds trick to post first on Kotaku!

Is this a joke? The PC Gaming Show was included in the Losers list? You guys are the losers for utterly ignoring it. They put on a great show and there were many interesting games and announcements. Bullshit, Kotaku. I love you guys but you guys ignoring the show and then shitting on it is nonsense.

I’m a console gamer but I’m very disappointed at Kotaku’s cold shoulder to the PC gaming show. A new Total War was announced and they don’t have a update on it.

Well that was unexpected. Still would’ve been nice if the Master Chief Collection followed suit, even if it would require Win 10 (which is free anyway).

Also Rising Storm 2: Vietnam was announced!!

It was so good that they showed it to us twice.

Reminds me of another great game called Enslaved. Loved that game.

I just want you to know, I starred this comment exclusively for that magnificent gif.

This is the bad edge of the double edge sword that is mobile gaming. The bad edge being about the size of cloud strife’s buster sword and the good edge being nonexistent.

Can’t forget the anime that’s pretty much about posing.

Which games do you want coverage of that we’re missing? We cover tons, but there are always tons more. Just in the last 24 hours or so we’ve had impressions, tips and/or video of Splatoon, Witcher 3, Life is Strange Episode 3, Heroes of the Storm, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Xenoblade X, Order of Battle:

I guess they were too expensive for Ubisoft to animate.

Is that even relevant to this?

That is clearly nostalgia talking. No one had friends before the days of Facebook, that’s just silly.