
Um, aren't all biker gangs populated by primates?

Redneck Torture Family: Last House on the Left

Die Hard is a secret sequel to A Christmas Story…Now I have a Red Ryder Rifle, ho ho ho.

'What do you think of internet television memes?'

I love how Tom Cruise's character just wants to work at a big box store and play pool for fun and drinks but Paul Newman INSISTS that he become a criminal so he can get his thumbs broken and have his girlfriend commit suicide.

Alvarez to Nero: "If we don't do something to stop it, ese, there's going to be a whole mess of plot next year that no one is going to give a crap about."

It's not about the good guys winning. It's about Sutter claiming the school shooting wouldn't be just another plot device for Jax to dodge but that it would be a catalyst for a genunine exploration of violence in our culture. If you're not going to deliver on that, don't claim you are.

On the picture…is Sam Rockwell a lumberjack now too?  Is anyone not a lumberjack?

You'd think that most people doing their first pen stabbing wouldn't be so committed and precise.

It didn't even fail?

According to who?

LW1: yes, your boyfriend's friends are narrow-minded morons…no, it's not wrong to think so.

Well, to be fair, Casino Royale wasn't inaccurate so much as improbable.  That is how that hand would play out.  It's just that no one would believe it wasn't a set up in a million years which, you know, it probably was considering that the fate of the free world was at stake.  Who says they tell James Bond

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the opening hand of the film where Damon loses his stack to Teddy in a full house vs. full house scenario.  I've been playing for a number of years and it seems to me there was no way Damon is getting out of that hand without losing his stack.  What is he going to do?  Put