Cleveland Dreamer

fuckin' great song.

…sucking…toward a climax…

i read somewhere that he makes about 5-600k every year from residuals (maybe that's not the word) from that song being played around the holidays. Can you imagine it?

I thought it was an anagram

"Pras is a standout member of the Fugees in that he stands out for being
terrible and for contributing nothing of substance to the trio"

said the same thing

good to know.


That review reads more like a D/F.

Hamm's is diarrhea fuel for me.

Do you mean the episode where they take a trip to get the best burrito or the bur-weed-o episode? Neither of them really jump out as horrible to me.

I associate "born-again" christianity with the type of folks who have a checkered past but have now "found God" and wont shut up about it. the kind of holy rollers who come off as disingenuous and a bit ridiculous because they were a fuck up their whole life but ever since turning things around they can't stop giving

the devil's hairlip

What is Natalie Morales trying to say?

drop it like it's hot

why is that? political stuff? He seems pretty likable. I'm genuinely curious, this is not meant to be snarky or sarcastic.

Florida deserves Pitbull.

I don't remember it. I am having a hard time suspending my disbelief about that storyline, too. I mean, how many days was she in there before she pried the doors open? How is that not the first thing you do??

I know that the "hatch in the ceiling" idea is a bit hacky but it's hard for me to suspend my disbelief and go along with the idea that that someone trapped in an elevator for days (and contemplating death/ suicide) wouldn't even check that out. Or try to move the elevator up a foot or so and shimmy out that crack.

Yeah, that anecdote didn't really go anywhere, huh? I was kinda wondering if the left a paragraph or two out or something.