Well, myself I prefer to stick to the policy my parents taught me, and their parents taught them as far as my “tune” about someone, in life or death...
Well, myself I prefer to stick to the policy my parents taught me, and their parents taught them as far as my “tune” about someone, in life or death...
Adam LaRoche’s school of choice is something else: baseball school. And, in a world full of deadbeat parents, at least he’s a guy who wants his kid around. Applaud him for that.
It’s the middle of March, and this kid is going to Spring Training with his dad everyday? Aren’t kids this young supposed to be in some sort of school setting?
You definitely get the point of the article.
I love this comment. And I’d like all of you to love this comment too. And so tonight, when you hit your knees, please ask God to love it.
“I was asked where I see myself in 5 years.”
If you haven't read our coverage of the Democrats, that's not something to blame us for.
Similar to Robin Williams, being "on" all of the time got to be a little annoying. But after they're gone, you realize how much you took for granted.
Ummm. Don't we get a printable 1993 roster so we can go through it line by line? That seems to be the next logical step to eventually driving the homersexuals out of the closet. Frankly, as a gay, I just wanna know if the two guys in question were hot.
What's crazy is the idea of an NFL head coach NOT watching a live play as it happens. If he was genuinely not paying attention, he ought to be shit-canned.