Jason Revalation

I did 2 years there. Everything is true, save the timed bathroom break thing. Everyone’s too embroiled in their mess to notice. Also, nobody mentioned the 5 am weekend store meetings where you listen to the store manager drivel some corporate crap, hand out meaningless awards and do some elementary school type

Do not ever use someone elses urine. Just gross and unnecessary. I’ve always used synthetic urine from a local head shop. Comes in a discreet bottle with hot hands heating pack and rubber band. The only time I ever failed is when I got lazy and stored it in my sock. Was asked to lift up my pant legs and missed out on

From what I understand, Child Support and IRS debt are the only debts that will never leave, ever. Ed loans you need to prove undue hardship, which I’m sure isn’t easy. All other debts expire after 7 years or whatever your state’s statute of limitations is.

Check out the graphic on step two. The American family is referred to as a ‘US CONSUMER UNIT’. That right there should tell you all you need to know, if you have the eyes to see. This is how your corporations, governments (oh, same thing, my bad) view you. Not as a person; a living, breathing, feeling being, but as a