Textbook username/comment synergy.
Textbook username/comment synergy.
I think the "more significant detail" is that the person dealing with it is a brain-dead moron.
While Trump probably possesses the requisite knowledge to understand that Kim Jong-Un is too young to have been in charge in Clinton's day, I can't say I know for a fact that he would recall and synthesize that information in that moment. Pretty depressing.
This is actually one of the rare cases where Trump's words have something resembling a clear literal meaning. Time to shine:
Dude, shut up.
It's just funny, lighten up.
This is why I don't think I could ever be famous. Almost everyone has done something horrible at some point in their lives, but most of us are lucky enough not to have the whole world know about it. I have things in my past that don't in any way reflect who I am today (as I'm sure many of us do), and I honestly don't…
Out of these six, I'd actually put Wendy's at the top. Hardee's is debatable, but BK over Wendy's is ludicrous.
I know a lady named Anita Cox who has no idea that her name is funny.
Willie B.?
If any Rare game is going to be updated with modern graphics and mechanics, it needs to be Jet Force Gemini.
DK64 was the first game that I ever recognized as being too bloated while I was playing it. I just remember feeling too overwhelmed with the amount of shit it wanted me to do to have any fun with it.
I was going to bring up Shovel Knight. It's clearly very indebted to Mega Man/Zelda 2/Castlevania/DuckTales, but it's less about imitating those games than it is about implementing its own ideas of how they could have been better. Mega Man never even thought about having level design as good as Shovel Knight's.…
"is in many stretches as listless and pointless as the lesser Pierce Brosnan-era James Bond movies from which it appears to have borrowed its plot"
Who are you, Sean Spicer?
I been kicked out of better lives than this!
Would it be gauche to plug my own political podcast in this space?
I Liked Ariandel better than a lot of players, even if it was a little slight, so I think I will dig the new one as well.