Sandler's List

I actually think the difference is big enough to be beyond the scope of "nuance." Obama never went around spreading unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about Bush that he had pulled straight out his ass on live TV. He didn't accuse Bush of an insidious plot to undermine his presidency with a shadowy network of moles…

I'm already tired of these reachin'-ass Obama comparisons to excuse Trump's cascade of failures. Broken analogies aside, didn't these people hate Obama? But if Obama already did all these great things that Trump is doing now, it seems like they would think Obama was a pretty good president.

Serious question, and no judgment if the answer is yes, but have you posted this exact same comment before? Because if not, I just had some extremely vivid deja vu.

"Gaggle of Kato Kaelins" is pretty amazing

I think he was saying you didn't "see" it.

Nobody knew award shows could be so complicated.

Nobody knew jewelry could be so complicated.

I dunno, everybody loved the first one but I found it tedious and repetitive. Yeah, killing orcs was fun in and of itself, but not fun enough to sustain a sprawling epic consisting of that one single activity.

I think that's awesome. Oscars were a joke back when shit like Titanic and Gladiator used to win Best Picture. This might have been the first year where I thought the majority of nominees were actual interesting movies.

Holy hell, she is a beautiful woman. Loved her in Hidden Figures.

I drank a couple of original-recipe Four Lokos back in the day. They weren't very good.

I think you might have missed the joke there buddy.

A well done steak, though? And you know he's going to expensive places with good steaks, and just burning them all to shit and slathering them with ketchup like a caveperson. It's indecent.

For a bunch of people who recently won, y'all sure do bitch a lot.

He should apologize to the American people and resign immediately.

One of the strangest moments ever on Howard Stern was when Richard Simmons burst into tears and ran out of the studio because Howard described him as "womanly." I think he's kind of a weird and unstable guy.

Perez if fine, but Ellison was the clear choice and that would have been obvious if they had their shit in order.

He campaigned a little bit. It was very short-lived. I'm not sure he was ever actually formerly registered as a candidate.

He did.

Most of the major Southern cities are really cool—Charlotte, Atlanta, Nashville, Charleston, obviously New Orleans, hell even Birmingham is pretty legit.