
I used Vuze until Tribler hit the scene. Any criticisms on these?

What is this based upon? If we’re talking strictly about acting, Keaton or Bale should be at the top. Bale would take the action award, though.

Anytime a question is asked, someone else offers an answer, and the asker replies with “Yeah, but...”, I shut down. Why did you ask in the first place if you were just going to argue? You could just say, “I think it’s likely that Nintendo will release the game again later with all the DLC included.”

The recently found/recently patched Bloodborne item duplication glitch was awesome. I don’t have a ton of time to game, so saving the farming on upgrade materials was a godsend. I didn’t use it to gain levels, just to upgrade my gear. And since I couldn’t play online, it also forced me to git gud.

What a waste of time for you to write this and for me to read it. Are you trying to change my mind about Subway? Then you failed. But you did succeed at looking like a petty fool with no real problems, so at least there’s that.

I don’t understand why the text was considered offensive, honestly. Gay sex isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’d be upset if I found out I’d had sex with a man, too. I probably wouldn’t kill myself over it, but to each his own (especially in a work of fiction).

I didn't immediately see any better place to submit this, so here it is. Why are we still seeing PSN Flash Sale ads when it ended on 3/23?

The Penumbra example looks like it's coming from the stomach... Could it be an umbilical cord?

Oh, there were a number of factors leading up to that moment. I feel like it's not my type of game, and I prefer to stick with what I'm good at because I love to win... So I went back to CoD. I love character building in RPGs and competitive play, so I thought I'd give it a shot, but it really wasn't my jam.

I was a fairly new player, playing ARAMs in League with a friend/roommate and some of his regular League cohorts/real-life buddies. One of his friends says "I wish this Down's Syndrome Sejuani would just go hang herself." It was me. Haven't played League since.

And it started yesterday, not today.

Nathan Barnatt wins the contest of life every time, every time.


The Shadowgate remake on STEAM is quite good.

A well, blast? Why can't it just be a blast? What does the "well" add here?

That's the way! P3P was the better version of P3, in my opinion, though you lose out on The Answer epilogue chapter where you play as Aegis.

I hope you're playing on Vita. Or the FES version of 3, at the very least.

Out of nowhere??? I've been following this for quite some time!

Brazzers... Hahahaha!

Yes, please "take responsibility" for the actions of the trolls so they don't have to take responsibility for their own. Way to promote entitlement.