
I think that was directed at the author :P

Shovel Knight definitely doesn't look like shovel-ware.

Yeah, you could finish 100 40-hour games in that time and actually enjoy yourself.

Yeah, a 170-day proof of concept? That's 1/4 of his total time over the last 2 years. And 1/3 was presumably sleeping. Assuming he won't live past 50 due to a sedimentary lifestyle, that's 1% of his life. Congrats on that...

Odd. He didn't mention anything about level of care. He just made a false claim.

"Our hardware is the only hardware that you can do both the touch control and stick control."

When do we get our hands on this gem?

Spoiler for a 7 year old game:

you're*, McDonald's*, can't*

More story content than SWtOR? Doubtful...

Whatever. How's the netcode?

The video isn't working for me. Did they list a price?

"It's not supposed to be an exact recreation of real life." Exactly. And if it was, you couldn't marry your girlfriend anyway of you live in any of the majority of our tates.

Yeah, Dragon Quest IX isn't really old... I'd like to hear more about VII. I have it, but I've never so much as popped it in my system. Backlog too strong.

The effort required to mute someone is so insignificant and minimal! Your "I shouldn't have to..." argument is fine, but you'll never convince me that it's some kind of chore or inconvenience to press two buttons.

I'll make a recommendation of places to NOT start. If you want to start loving JRPGs, don't start with the Shin Megami Tensei (Persona, etc.), Wizardry, or Dark/Demon's Souls games. They're convoluted, brutal, and likely to turn off a newbie to the genre. However, to a veteran, they'll challenge and intrigue you! Some

Sounds good, man. Peace out.

I would prefer to not be subjected to your arbitrary rules, but it hasn't ruined my day.

The words are spoken in the context of an M-rated game in which you can choose who you have to hear and who you don't... I still don't see the problem.

I wouldn't associate those comments to a public profile because I admit they are in bad taste, and I consider this a real-life interaction. Online gaming takes place in a game space. Anything said therein should be taken with a grain of salt.