What is this now? Artaku? I thought this site was about gaming.
What is this now? Artaku? I thought this site was about gaming.
Other than the first run of Xboxes, hardware failure hasn't been an issue for quite awhile. Besides, that wasn't really part of my argument.
Is it? How so? You haven't had any inexplicable, nigh-impossible-to-solve PC problems? The kind that you'd never have with a console?
That's not what the chart says. Yet another misleading title. That says "Steam users logged in," not "Steam users playing games." I'm sure a great number of those are PCs which load Steam at startup and rarely even use it.
I'm not making any jabs, and I'm far from computer illiterate. I prefer console gaming, plain and simple, because it doesn't require a lot of effort to play. I don't have to worry about not being able to play a game because my hardware is outdated. I don't have a lot of time on my hands, so I'm glad I don't have to…
I like to put in a disc and have it work immediately. No fucking with drivers and viruses and constant, expensive upgrading... but you know, if you want to spend half your time tinkering instead of playing, that's your thing.
"you will never play it as-is." Really? I know a ton of people who play MOSTLY custom games. I never played it "as-is" because I don't like objective-based games. Difference?
I think the word you're looking for is "nubs". Also, two interrupting "well"s in one article is two too many.
People still play that tired old game?
Absolutely! If it WAS a choice. In my opinion, people should have the right to love whomever they want.
All actions are choices, but sexual preference is a characteristic, not an action. What's your address? I have a spare dictionary I can send you.
I took that as "it's a choice to be gay, but the choice is not always aided by rape." Maybe I interpreted incorrectly.