a) To "have" homosexuality? Haha... like it's a disease?
a) To "have" homosexuality? Haha... like it's a disease?
"Those that turn to it"? Because it's obviously a choice, right? I think a person should be educated on a topic before they attempt to write about it.
Pointless. No eye color, no facial features. Just white skin and wrinkles. Congratulations. Gigantic trolling opportunity realized to the fullest.
She's like a darker LiLo.
Well, time isn't moving quickly, but the timer often is. It makes plenty of sense. This isn't a case of language evolving; it's a case of people fucking up an acronym.
Good thing USB cables are easy to unplug, right?
Circle, Cross, Triangle and Square. It doesn't make sense for two of them to be letters when they rest are symbols. They were created in Japan where X and O aren't letters. The original design was symbolic of circle being accept and cross being cancel (which English-speaking countries seem to have reversed).
It's already on PS2. The new features aren't worth the re-release.
Was video capture not an option, then?
"div style="font-size: 0.675em; color: grey); font-family: Verdana;">Sources: GameStop, GameSpot" YEAH!
Word. Cost on those is usually between 2 and 5 dollars... the markup makes them 30 to 100.
Wasn't the cheap AC III a Wal-Mart thing?
Incorrect use of "begs the question" FTL.
Legend of Grimrock. Good old-school dungeon crawler! grimrock.net
Why is the black man running on watermelon? Racist Google is racist.
What leads everyone to believe that this suit is made from dead-Luigi? It could just be a silicone facsimile.
Stop using the "interrupting well." It's lazy, and its lame attempt at humor is overshadowed by the fact that it's more overused than your chubby sister.
That's like trying to get a dog to go away by throwing it a ball. Damn, I sound sexist. Haha. No offense :)
He was probably hoping she'd say no and get the fuck out of his man-cave. Some women just can't take the hint.