Jason Mucci

As good as City is… and enjoyable… I'm surprised that it doesn't get knocked for being a little too unbelievable. I mean, the thought that Edith Keller would have been important enough to momentarily stop America from entering WWII, which would have altered the course of history, seems a little bit "much." And that

I actually liked the ending to Errand. I didn't find it to be a cop-out. I thought it was a nice twist. I think it was actually the only logical explanation of why the Organians were not only pacifists but totally unconcerned with what the Klingons would do to them. And a nice lesson on the stupidity of war in general.

Well, consider the fact that so many people keep doing the same thing… making the same mistake… over and over and over… and never considering any other option, and is it really that much of a stretch that this could go on as long as it has? Like I said above, think about certain countries where there is always some

Yes, there could have been more to the episode. Perhaps if it had been a 2-parter they could have delved into the idea more thoroughly. Still, I think it's a very good episode. And a very interesting concept. It's hard to flesh it out enough within an hour.

Exactly. It has to be assumed that people had long accepted this as "normal" and perhaps anyone who didn't, was killed anyhow. So people just accept it as their fate. Think about countries over in the Middle East where there is constant fighting. They probably just grow up thinking it's normal. Sad.

I think it's more plausible than you give it credit for… but I do agree w/ you that it would have been interesting to spend more time showing people willingly climbing into them.

I've noticed how many of these episodes predict things (sorta) that are happening now. For instance, think about all the destruction that we can do by computers. You don't have to wage a conventional war against a nation… but if someone could hack into our government's computers, think of how much destruction you

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I actually found The Alternative Factor interesting… strange but interesting.