Jason M


Gosh, someone on the internet made a judgement call on someone else? Good thing you're here to stop that kinda shenanigans! Excuse me for offending your tender sensibilities. Keep an eye on that blood pressure, uh… buddy?

Cancer is a disease, I'm just a liberal that got under your skin; maybe you'll get the former one day and realize I'm not the latter. "No one" really cares? Does pretending to speak for everyone make you feel important? The dude I responded to is one of those guys with a black-guy-looking-dumb avatar. Those guys

You'd probably think I'm jumping to conclusions if I thought your profile pic and use of "SJW" mean you're a young, white, racist. But I do. And so I don't find your question genuine, nor do I think you'd understand the answer when presented with one.

Fair enough, man. Watch what you want. I was just being snarky in my original comment, and this has snowballed far enough. Take care.

We're still doing this? Okay. Apparently you are immortal, and in your infinite lifespan you have time for banal, empty publicity stunts from a failed child actor. I am 40 years old, with a family and a genetic disposition towards heart disease, so I actually have to choose what I watch.

I'm sorry for anyone that watched more than 5 minutes.

Poland isn't known for it's variety and wealth of choices. I'm lucky to get the one sauce.

Europeans love them some camembert with cranberries. This is Mickey D's way of giving em what they're used to.

The mozzarella sticks at the McDonald's here in Poland come with a berry dipping sauce, not marinara. It breaks my heart every time I get them. Why do I keep getting them, you ask? Shut up. And unless the litigant in this story is Leonardo DiCaprio, what is it doing in the AV Club?

I've been having some mild chest pains for the last couple of months so I finally went to the doctor's. They gave me an EKG and a basic check up, also took some urine and blood. I live in Poland, but don't speak Polish, so it was kinda awkward but we muddled through. Through translations the nice lady (was she a

Two men of Indian heritage in this episode and their names add up to Sanjay Gupta. What's really going on?

Seriously, what's next, Memento?

As these Steven Avery stories stray further and further from the AV Club's raison d'etre (as I understood it to be), I find myself getting less and less interested. I get that "Making a Murderer" is a cash cow of clicks, but you're kinda diluting your brand here, aren't you?

Hee! You replaced the word that was expected with a naughtier word that rhymes! The sentence no longer contains a complete clause, but now it's funny, instead!

I'm picturing it, and I'M ANYTHING BUT CALM!!

I ain't qualified to know of this man's guilt or innocence based on a tv show, and neither are you.

No one really cared about him before The Colbert Report, and now that he's done with that character, I'm not sure why we're supposed to care, after.

We must Na'vi speak of this again. Hey-O!

I just looked it up. Oy zucken vey.