Gasmask Lincoln Jackson

Says the guy who admitted to pirating any game he wanted, from this current era, and posted screenshots of his list on Kotaku?

Stop the justification of your piracy. It isn't fooling anyone.

Incorrect. Learn some reading comprehension. My statement was SPECIFICALLY in regards to people who blather on about how the PC is "the Master Race" of gaming.

Those people are jackasses.

Oh, absolutely, but at the end of the day, I could see whomever makes the decisions to say "it was a randomly chosen person, ergo a lottery."

Not that I agree, mind you, but it's a possibility.

The more jackass amongst them shall be along shortly.

Wait. I don't know if this has been addressed yet or not, but doesn't the UK have rules about these sorts of things? As this was (after the reveal) basically a lottery at heart, with an actual cash value, won't that have to meet some sort of UK guidelines with the possibility of negating the winner's collection?

Nope. Don't do handheld gaming. I'm perfectly content with my PS3, 360 and PC gaming.

Damn. Well done.

Save for the attempted barb regarding a 3Ds. Sad fail is sad. Sad fail at attempting to defend sad fail is equally as sad.

You're correct: I don't need a next gen gaming system. Luckily for me, Microsoft isn't producing a next gen gaming system: it is a multimedia platform for watching television.

Sadly, your feeble attempt at wit fell flat.

Except it isn't replacing my cable box and I have no use for a Blue-Ray player. Additionally, since Microsoft is saying you can download a game rather than purchase a physical copy, I have no NEED to the system to play Blu-Rays...

Honest question: if (and I do not know this to be 100$ verified and true) you can only turn the system on by voice, what happens to the small gaming populace who are mute?

Serious question.

Survey question 1: I will never accept being forced to use the Internet to play games that I purchased. Period.

Maybe you should read? Maybe? Lemme quote myself. It's only one post above yours, but it seems like you missed it: "perhaps what your interview meant was things that don't matter, like character skins."

That seems to be the rage these days, "exclusive content" that is nothing more than a skin like Kratos or Master

Exceeeeeept for the fact that I also saw them in an interview saying nothing of the sort. Perhaps what your interview meant was things that don't matter, like character skins.

Exceeeeept there's nothing that I've read to indicate that anything is exclusive to Sony.

Care to source your comment?

As many have said, I've also been calling it X1. I've also been calling it "never going to cross the threshold of my house", but that seems too long.

That should say "Used games have no effect on the price of games." Hooray for no editing feature.

Used games on the price of games. You want someone to actually take the blame who deserves said blame? I present to you Sony and Microsoft. They demand a chunk of the pie, and that chunk is not insignificant.

Except used games aren't hurting the industry. In fact, if your claim is true, I'm positive you can provide documented evidence, yes?

Games were cheaper because gaming companies hadn't yet reached the threshold of what gamers were willing to pay for a new game. Trust me, if gaming companies thought gamers would be

...says the person who just lost the argument.